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Posted Jul-12-23 at 7:37 PM By Dan Davis

MG 100th Anniversary Celebration & Races Sept 1-4 Lime Rock Historic Festival 41

The new MG Super Sports Morris Car was introduced and advertised in late 1923 by Morris Garages of Oxford England, according to the excellent new book "Kim: A Biography of M.G. Founder Cecil Kimber" by Jon Pressnell, published by Dalton Watson Fine Books.  Early the next year one of these cars driven by Kimber won a gold medal in the Land's End Trials.  This began a long and successful tradition of producing successful sports cars for street and track.

The MG Vintage Racers Association has organized over 50 MGs from the early days right through the most recent era which will be on-track at Lime Rock's vintage and racing and concours weekend of over 250 classics.

Entry and spectator ticket info:

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